NLP Practitioner Certification

FasTrak 7-Day NLP Practitioner® Certification Training

  • Would you like to become a more effective communicator?
  • Would you like to become empowered with new skills and tools to help others deal with life’s challenges and issues?
  • Would you like to enhance the capabilities of your own organization or get paid for helping other companies?
  • Are you considering a new career path or just want to become more focused and confident within your current one?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you will want to consider becoming a Certified NLP Coach and Practitioner. NLP trained professionals are in constant demand to help those living in an increasingly complex world.

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the art and science of improving the control of the conscious and unconscious mind in oneself or others in a manner which facilitates improved motivation, behaviour, learning and communication. As a busy person, you don’t have two weeks or a month to spare to become a certified NLP Practitioner. That is why Tad James created an accelerated training format which offers an effective combination of home study with on-site training.

The 7-day FasTrak NLP Practitioner Certification Training can be a dramatic change you are looking for.

When you successfully complete this training you will receive Four Certifications:

  1. NLP Practitioner
  2. Time Line Therapy® Practitioner
  3. Hypnotherapist
  4. NLP Coach


1. NLP Practitioner Certification

During our FasTrak NLP Practitioner® Training you will learn:

  • The Basis of NLP – we begin with the fundamental assumptions
  • Fundamental beliefs that allow you to begin to choose the empowering Mind Mastery model and leave behind the disempowering Mind Servitude model
  • To identify and take control of the intricate connections between your mind, your emotions and your behaviour
  • The clearest and easiest model of how people learn, communicate, change, and evolve

The principles of achieving goals used by all successful goal setters

  • Learn how to set goals and always achieve them
  • Discover how to ask questions so that your (and somebody else’s) goals become free from confusion or ambiguity

Rapport – how to create instant liking and agreement

  • Instantly be able to switch into mutual understanding with anyone you choose
  • Increase your sensitivity to body-language and its true meaning
  • How to use unconscious body postures so that people unconsciously associate positively with you
  • Identify how to use your voice tonality to build rapport (even on the phone)
  • How to create instant liking when communicating with friends, relatives, and even people you don’t know

Representational Systems

We use our 5 senses to internally represent information from the world.

  • Become aware of how our 5 senses are represented internally in the nervous system
  • Discover how what we see, hear, feel, smell and taste has an influence on our physical response (whether we are conscious of the process or not)
  • People have different preferences for how they use the 5 senses to process information internally. Learn how to match this to create instant rapport and mutual agreement
  • Identify and learn how eye movement reflects a person’s real thoughts
  • Find out how to increase creativity, flexibility and learning by using the eye patterns

Submodalities – the secret programming software of your mind

  • Find out the inner encoding mechanism of your brain and take control of it
  • Get rid of unwanted behaviors (like eating the wrong foods) using Submodalities
  • Learn to create a sequence of instructions to modify your disempowering beliefs
  • Unwanted emotional responses? Discover how to change them with the Swish Pattern

Language Patterns

The words you use show off your intellectual attributes and your personal characteristics. The words we use are chosen unconsciously but they have a special meaning for each individual.

  • Recognize what type of personality is hiding behind different types of words
  • Customize your speech for each individual to achieve instant acceptance and wavelength communication
  • Use abstract language to achieve instant agreement and induce trance easily
  • Ask the 3 questions that can help you to reveal specific information about any concealed subject (like a presenting problem)
  • Challenge and overcome objections elegantly
  • Assist someone in changing their mind

Anchoring – how to control your feelings and your state of mind

  • Be in charge of your internal emotional state rather than being controlled by it
  • Set up a personal trigger or stimulus which can move you in a specific direction
  • Discover how to free yourself from an unwanted internal response to some (past or present) external trigger, like someone’s voice
  • Link your strong personal resources with your ability to access them whenever you want
  • Get rid of procrastination forever

Strategies – how to control your mental sequence of internal processes to create specific results

  • Discover the technique of sequencing various internal processes to create a certain result and how to make the result successful each time
  • Achieve concrete and long lasting results with the help of specific strategies
  • Discover and learn how people buy things (the decision making strategy) just from watching their eye movements
  • Learn how to sell based on your client’s strategy (rather than yours) for a more fulfilling outcome for your client
  • Find out how to discover deep love and attraction strategies

Parts – stop inner conflicts

  • How to move beyond “I want this BUT I’m not sure” or “I can’t decide between these two things”
  • Have all your inner “parts” agree with each other

When you study with us, you will be able to use NLP applications in:

    • Business and Personal Coaching
    • All Modes of Business including Sales and Communication
    • Learning and Educational Coaching
    • Creating Change and Growth on a Personal Level
    • Therapy and Relationship Coaching

2. Time Line Therapy® Practitioner Certification

Gain total control of your life:

  • Move through yours and other’s internal blocks
  • Eliminate negative emotions, beliefs and decisions
  • Make the right decisions
  • Get to know what you really want

Create the kind of future you really want

  • Understand your own internal time machine and how it creates your future
  • Use S-M-A-R-T criteria for making your goals come true
  • Eliminate limiting beliefs and decisions regarding your future
  • Visualize your future so it’s more compelling, motivating and exciting for you


3. Hypnotherapist Certification

You will also learn hypnotherapy from people who have been doing hypnosis for years. We use Tad James’ system, and his best selling book on hypnosis – Hypnosis: A Comprehensive Guide. We also conduct this training in Ericksonian indirect permissive Hypnotherapy so that you can increase your results with the largest number of clients.


4. NLP Coach Certification

Professional coaching is one of the fastest growing careers in the world and coaches are in high demand. Our internationally recognized courses are designed for those who desire to become a professional coach on a full-time or part-time basis. Learn how the core principles of coaching are an asset for anyone in leadership roles in their homes, careers, and communities. Our innovative courses are also designed for traditional Life and Executive Coaches who want to add state-of-the-art coaching tools and breakthrough skills developed from NLP, Time Line Therapy®, and Hypnotherapy.

Preparation for the NLP Practitioner Training – Home Study

Our unique process gets you started right away with the pre-study for the training on CD or MP3. You listen to the audios at your own pace, then come to any of our scheduled trainings and complete your training. You will have ample opportunity at the training to transform the past while also learning the skills of NLP, Time Line Therapy®, and Hypnosis.


Check the Events Calendar for training dates.


This Training meets the standards of the American Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming, therefore your certification has worldwide recognition.

It is also approved by the Time Line Therapy® Association and the American Board of Hypnotherapy.

FasTrak NLP Practitioner Certification® Training:

Total Investment (taxes included): $3,500.00 CAD

Training price includes 20 CD’s or MP3 Practitioner Training, Time Line Therapy® book, Magic of NLP Demystified Book, Hypnosis: A Comprehensive Guide book and shipping (a C$1,095 value).


For more information contact:
Natasha Sibola – or 819-661-7148

Download a copy of our FasTrack NLP Practitioner flyer:

If you wish to sign up for this course, please download this Enrollment Agreement:

If you are a Canadian Forces Member and wish to sign up for this course, please download this Enrollment Agreement: