The Woman In Me

The Woman In You


Four Part Workshop Series


Part 1. Learn the true value of who you are and who you are meant to be.

Do you know what your values are? Do you know what is truly important to you, in life? If you think about it, just for a moment – is your life, your relationship, your career planning out the way you really what it to be? Are you feeling dissatisfaction but not sure why because it all appears to be going well? In this workshop, you will learn what is truly important to you, what you truly value the most about life – at the unconscious level – and how to be congruent about it. Through a series of exercises, you will discover the true nature of the things that are essential to you and what you want out of life. You will be able to note and bring to your awareness any limiting decisions or beliefs that prevent you from being the empowered woman you are meant and deserve to be.


Walking4Part 2. The protective circle of your boundaries.

Have you ever been in a situation where you were asked to do something and you really didn’t feel like it – but still, you said: yes? Or, have you ever had that feeling where you just felt like other people where invading your space? Have you ever felt powerless, unsure of who you were and unheard? Or, simply exhausted, like you have no more energy, after spending time with certain people, consumed by their drama? When your boundaries are weak, unguarded, or unclear, you let in all sorts of stuff that isn’t actually your stuff, and you give away your own personal power or energy, unconsciously. In this workshop you will learn the principles behind setting boundaries. You will know that when you set boundaries, you get in touch with who you really are. In light of your self-esteem, when you act according to your values and beliefs, you are setting your boundaries and you are being congruent, in harmony, with who you really are.


Part 3. How to communicate: say what you mean and mean what you say.

What if you learned how to get a clear understanding, give a sound response or simply get the right gut check before you communicated what you really wanted to say? How beneficial would it be for you to get your message across, and know exactly what others are telling you? In this workshop you will get a clear understanding of your perception of events, things, people, situations, etc., and you will get a grip on what generates your response or behaviour in any given circumstance. We experience the world through our five senses. We filter information based on our past experiences (memories), values and beliefs and so much more. The result being, we end up with inaccurate and incomplete information and in turn it affects our behaviour.


The Woman In MePart 4. Releasing what does not serve you making room for your true self.

We now know that a person’s history, her triumphs and tragedies, her joys and sorrows, her courage and fears, her empowering beliefs and limiting decisions, all contribute immensely to the basis of her personality. This workshop is based on the techniques of Time Line Therapy®. Time Line Therapy takes the weight or charge off negative emotions on events, takes on new learnings that were inaccessible when the events originally happened, releases debilitating limiting decisions and beliefs, and creates a compelling future, all of which has the tremendous potential for creating powerful change at the most fundamental roots of personality. The techniques allow people to work at an unconscious level to release the harmful effects of past negative experiences and change inappropriate or self-defeating programming in minutes rather than days, months or years.

I have designed this new programme to help women of all ages to discover the true nature of the things that are essential to them and what they want out of life.

Please join me on this path of discovering the woman in you. Click the events calendar to the right to find dates and times.     Events

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